Practice Tian specializes in oncological acupuncture - Support with / after cancer.
During cancer
More and more patients are opting for acupuncture like support to a cancer treatment within Western medicine (regular treatment). It can certainly help side effects (nausea, fatigue, dry mouth, joint complaints, ...) from chemo, medication, hormone therapy and radiation too soften, without opposing regular treatment.
Because an acupuncture treatment improves your entire energy balance, it can improve the quality of life during cancer.
You can do acupuncture NOT cure cancer!
Many of you are wondering: Is there any evidence that acupuncture works? Many scientific studies conclude that acupuncture can indeed play an important role.
This can be read on the website of Mayo Clinic Cancer Center. Also Memorial Kettering Cancer Center regularly publishes scientific studies and research on the successful application of acupuncture in the treatment of cancer patients.
After Cancer
Cancer-free does not mean complaint-free. Many people have various complaints for years after the treatment of cancer (fatigue, anxiety, digestive problems, sleeping problems, side effects of medication, hormonal complaints, pain complaints or neuropathy). Here acupuncture can also contribute to a faster recovery.